A to Z Challenge Accepted

Writing ONE post every day for a month! Sounds like a daunting task, isn't it? Well, there are few achievers who blog everyday every day around the year and I admire their tenacity. But it is definitely not my cup of tea. Not that I don't want to write. But every time I write, the draft is not ready to be posted. I read, re-read, correct and yet when I post, I can still find mistakes, typos... I cannot imagine how would my blog would look if I start posting everyday.

However, I have promised myself, I will participate in A to Z Challenge. The deal is to write a post for the letter designated for the particular day, calendar shown above. Details are available on A to Z Challenge website.
I have already confessed I cannot write everyday. So I have come up with a plan ;) There are more than 50 drafts in my blogger. Plan it to convert these to post :)

A to Z Challenge Theme RevealOne step further would be to complete the challenge with a Theme. Can I do it? I am going to try. Maybe I can.

I will reveal my theme on 23rd March!


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